The Sneed Family

Eric, Michelle, Michael, Stephen, Christopher and Kaitlyn

Monday, April 30, 2007

Hunting Easter Eggs

The Saturday Before Easter, the Sneed Family went to one of our local parks for their annual Easter Egg Hunt. They have 2 hunts, one for ages 0-6 years and the second for ages 7-14. For each hunt they hide over 4,000 eggs and out of those eggs, if you find a golden egg, you win a prize. Here is Christopher on his mad dash to find a golden egg. (He did!)
Stephen took a minute to smile for the camera as he looked for his golden egg. (He found one!)
And little Miss Kaitlyn at her first Easter Egg Hunt. This picture was taken after the hunt and guess what, she found a golden egg too.
And here are Stephen and Chris with their friend Matthew, with their winning Easter Baskets. (If you found a golden egg, you got a basket.) Kaitlyn got one too.
Michael also found a golden egg in his hunt but with his hunt, it was over in less than 5 minutes because of the age of the kids and the fact that there was so many of them. It was hard to get a picture of him. Michael didn't want a basket, he chose a gift certificate for dinner at a local restaurant.


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