The Sneed Family

Eric, Michelle, Michael, Stephen, Christopher and Kaitlyn

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Thank you for keeping up with us on our family blog. We are in the process of moving so it may be a few weeks before I am able to update, but I will update everyone as soon as I can. Take care.

I'm ONE!!!

Here is me with my papaw, but I wasn't happy about my mommy putting this dress on me.

Here is my birthday cakes, the little Care Bear cake was just for me, and to my mommy and daddy's surprise, I did not make a mess.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Here I am with my favorite person, doing my favorite thing, riding MY 4-wheeler. You might as well forget it Michael, Stephen and Christopher, unless you buy me a pink 4 wheeler, this one is MINE!!!
Next time my mommy logs to on to our blogs, I will be 1 year old. (Don't cry Mommy, I'm still your little baby girl!)
Bye, Bye!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Michael's Comedy Debut

Outside Michael's School Michael stopped to take a minute to pose with his 2 little brothers before hitting the stage for his big debut.
Michael was a hit on stage. Michael, mommy and daddy are sure sorry that they could not make it to your performance. Mommy was still in the hospital after having surgery and daddy did not want to leave mommy's side. But Papaw, and Aunt Ashley and Mackenzie came to cheer him on and videotape your performance so that mommy and daddy could see you. We are so proud of you.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

I Am So Silly

I love eating my toes. I was getting bored waiting for it to get dark and watch the fireworks, I had to find something to do.

Friday, July 06, 2007


Guess who's fixing to celebrate their First Birthday? That's right, it's our little princess, Kaitlyn. She will be a year old on July 14th. We will post the pictures as soon as she celebrates her birthday.

Just A Note...

As you can see, Michael wasn't able to attend the 4th of July parade with us, but he was in our thoughts. I can tell you though, that the weekend before the 4th, Michael went camping with his Papaw Mitch and Mamaw, and several cousins, and his Great-Grandma Jane and they all went White Water Rafting and he had a fantastic time. If I get some of the pictures I will post them. We miss you Michael and can't wait for you to be back home with us.

July 4th, 2007

HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!! Here is Chris, sitting cool as he watches the parade go by.
And Stephen too, as you can see, they both like showing off their sunglasses.
And, here is our little Kaitlyn, she wasn't sure what to think on her First 4th Of July.